The SEND Early Years Team recognises the diversity of children’s experiences and varying rates of progress, however, there will be children whose rate of progress determines that early intervention is necessary to support their learning.
Rise is a service that aims to have an increased emphasis on prevention and early intervention and integrate more effectively with other local services and schools.
The Healthy Child Programme for the 0-19 age group delivered by health visitors and school nurses is a programme available to all children, irrespective of wealth or background.
A family hub is a place where children, young people and their families can go when in need of help and support. The people working in the family hub will work in partnership with you and your community. They will help you find and get help from different services in the area and will be able to give you information, advice and support.
Coventry provides a wide range of free and confidential sexual health services. This includes access to free contraception, testing and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections or Diseases, information on abortion services and anything else related to sexual health.