Finding a job in the UK will not only increase your income but will help you to settle into your new life in the country. There are many different kinds of jobs. Some will require qualifications or skill including English. Many jobs require you to work full time or part-time. “Normal working hours” are often 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday.
Since 1 April 2023, the national minimum wage is £10.42 per hour, as set out in the National Minimum Wage Order 2018. Since 1 April 2023, wage rates are solely based on age.
In order to work in the UK, you will need your National Insurance number (NINO or NI number). This is a unique number for each person. It records the tax and National Insurance contributions that you make. You can not work or receive benefits without your NINO.
Income Tax is a tax you pay on your income. You do not have to pay tax on all types of income.
A trade union is an organisation made up of members who are workers. The main aim of a trade union is to protect and advance the interests of its members.