Questions and Answers

Can I look for my own accommodation?

To get accommodation you can either:

  • find private accommodation for which you will pay rent to a private landlord
  • apply for social housing from the local authority or

You have an unlimited right to rent if you:

  • Are a British citizen
  • Are a European Economic Area (EEA) or Swiss citizen
  • Have a permanent right to live in the UK, e.g. you have Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK

Know your rights – by Migrants’ Right Network

How can I find a house?

Private: Estate Agents and other online property search engines.

Social:Coventry Home Finder

Applicants will need to go through an assessment with Coventry City council before getting registration details for the website.

Housing – Know your rights by MiFriendly Cities 

Do I have any benefits?

Refugees that have “leave to remain” have access to benefits.  Once their asylum has been granted and they have refugee status, they are entitled to all benefits and are effectively treated as a British citizen.

For example:

Know your rights by MiFriendly Cities 

Benefits Aware- Central England Law Centre

Universal Credit by Citizen Advice

Where can I get support?

For more information on private renting:

England Shelter

For more information on council housing: 

Council Housing Association

General information:

The ACH refugee housing program

Housing Advice by Central England, Law centre

Know your rights – by Migrants’ Rights Network

Supported Housing Team